About This Special Issue
This special issue is devoted to the use of marketing principles in the process of energy pricing. Energy companies which in many countries for a long time were the monopolists in matters of energy supply for consumers, today more than ever are need of new approaches to energy pricing. Principles of marketing can help these companies to be more flexible when they are dealing with consumers. to compete and provide its services on mutually beneficial conditions Taking into account the needs of society for savings of the fossil fuels the energy companies should be to able to provide of opportunities for consumers to choose their modes of consumption and the methods of payment for the energy consumed so that to fulfill the society task of the saving of the sources of energy. Programs accepted in the United States and European Union about saving energy include the creating of new pricing systems which stimulate of consumers to the economical use of energy resources. Using the general principles of marketing in the energy industry, you can create a flexible pricing system which will be able to control the modes of consumption of energy resources. to influence on the choice of power supply circuits, as well as provide opportunities for the consumer in choosing the quality and reliability of service,
Aims and Scope:
We invite scientists in energy area to express their views on the use of marketing principles in such industries as energy in order to:
1. contribute of saving fossil resources through pricing for energy
2. provide the choices of favorable terms of consumption of energy resources for energy consumers
3. create a new system of tariffs for energy, taking into account the laws of marketing