Physical Null Conditions: Diameter of a Black Hole Singularity
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 42-45
Received: 28 November 2014
Accepted: 1 December 2014
Published: 31 December 2014
Abstract: A black hole is considered a gravitational one-dimensional point of singularity containing an infinite mass within an infinitely small space, and spacetime curves infinitely. Within this singularity all the laws of physics are no longer valid. The physical domains of the large macroscopic scale are described by general relativity and on the small microscopic scale by quantum effects. It is proposed in this new theory that a black hole singularity collapses to a physically defined diameter that perfectly balances between the duality of relativity and quantum states, and in this unified equilibrium condition; physics continues to be obeyed within this non-zero non-infinite black hole singularity.
Abstract: A black hole is considered a gravitational one-dimensional point of singularity containing an infinite mass within an infinitely small space, and spacetime curves infinitely. Within this singularity all the laws of physics are no longer valid. The physical domains of the large macroscopic scale are described by general relativity and on the small m...
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Confirmation of Santilli’s Detection of Antimatter Galaxies Via a Telescope with Concave Lenses
Simone Beghella-Bartoli
Prashant M. Bhujbal
Alex Nas
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 34-41
Received: 20 November 2014
Accepted: 24 November 2014
Published: 31 December 2014
Abstract: Following decades of mathematical, theoretical, and experimental research on antimatter, recent results have announced the apparent detection of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays via the use of a new telescope with concave lenses known as the Santilli telescope. This article presents results providing additional confirmations that Santilli has indeed achieved the first known detection of antimatter in the large scale structure of the universe, and identifies the main implications.
Abstract: Following decades of mathematical, theoretical, and experimental research on antimatter, recent results have announced the apparent detection of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays via the use of a new telescope with concave lenses known as the Santilli telescope. This article presents results providing additional c...
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Quiver of Hyperstructures for Ying’s Twin Universes
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 30-33
Received: 12 November 2014
Accepted: 18 November 2014
Published: 26 December 2014
Abstract: The quiver of hyperstructures, especially very large classes of them, can be used in new scientific theories such as Ying’s twin universes. We present the largest class of hyperstructures which can be used as a model to represent the twin universe cosmos as even more new axioms or conditions are considered.
Development of a New Type of Germanium Detector for Dark Matter Searches
Wenzhao Wei
Hao Mei
Guojian Wang
Gang Yang
Chao Zhang
Yutong Guan
Jing Liu
Dongming Mei
Christina Keller
Yiju Wang
Dahai Xu
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 23-29
Received: 10 November 2014
Accepted: 14 November 2014
Published: 26 December 2014
Abstract: A new type of germanium (Ge) detector for dark matter searches is under development utilizing the Ge crystal growth facility recently established at the University of South Dakota. Detector-grade crystals with electric impurity levels within 1010/cm3 and neutral impurity levels within 1014/cm3 have been grown regularly in the laboratory. These crystals can be fabricated into planar detectors with 1cm in thickness and 10cm in diameter. When a high voltage is applied to one of the end planes, a uniform electric field in the volume can be established. Such a design could result in a very fast electric signal. A time resolution of 1ns is expected by combining a short drift length and large drift mobility. This may allow us to resolve the difference on the electric pulse rise-time between low-energy nuclear recoil events and electronic recoil events at liquid nitrogen temperatures. An array of 168 planar detectors of this kind was modeled in a Geant4-based Monte Carlo simulation package. Its background reduction power was investigated and its sensitivity in dark matter search is estimated to be ~10-48cm2.
Abstract: A new type of germanium (Ge) detector for dark matter searches is under development utilizing the Ge crystal growth facility recently established at the University of South Dakota. Detector-grade crystals with electric impurity levels within 1010/cm3 and neutral impurity levels within 1014/cm3 have been grown regularly in the laboratory. These crys...
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Gravity, Inertia and Dark Energy
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 18-22
Received: 4 November 2014
Accepted: 14 November 2014
Published: 26 December 2014
Abstract: Measurements of the density parameter of the universe Ω have slowly converged towards the critical value of 1, where the universe is defined to be flat and Euclidean. New data provided by the Planck probe suggest there may be a critical value for the dark energy component of this parameter ΩΛ. A physical significance may occur at ΩΛ = 2/3 and be connected with the origin of inertia. If future observations constrain ΩΛ to exactly this value, the implication is that dark energy originates in constraints provided by fundamental laws of physics on possible cosmologies for the universe.
Abstract: Measurements of the density parameter of the universe Ω have slowly converged towards the critical value of 1, where the universe is defined to be flat and Euclidean. New data provided by the Planck probe suggest there may be a critical value for the dark energy component of this parameter ΩΛ. A physical significance may occur at ΩΛ = 2/3 and be co...
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Planckon Densely Piled Vacuum
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 10-17
Received: 30 October 2014
Accepted: 5 November 2014
Published: 26 December 2014
Abstract: Based on the vacuum microscopic quantum structure model: the planckon densely piled vacuum model and the principle of cosmology, with the Planck era as initial conditions, we have solved the Einstein-Friedmann equations to describe the evolution of the universe. The main results are: i) the solution of Einstein-Friedmann equations have yielded the observed result:the ratio of dark energy density to vacuum quantum fluctuation energy density ρde/ρvac ~ (tp/T0)2 ~ 10-122s (the Planck time tp = 10-43s and the universe age T0 = 1018s); ii) at the inflation time tinf = 10-35s, the calculated universe radiation energy density is ρ(tinf) ~ 10-16ρvac corresponding to the phase transition temperature Ec ~ 1015GeV consistent with the GUT theory; iii) the expanding universe with vacuum as its environment is a non-equilibrium open system constantly exchanging energy with vacuum; during its expansion, the planckons in the universe lose quantum fluctuation energy and create the cosmic expansion quanta-cosmons, the energy of the cosmons is the lost vacuum quantum fluctuation energy and contributes to the universe energy with the calculated value Ecosmos = 1022Msolarc2 (where Msolar is solar mass) consistent with astronomic data; iv) since all planckons in the vacuum of the expanding universe lose quantum fluctuation energy resulting in hole excitations as negative gravity energy and the lost energy of planckons is used to create cosmons which in turn convert into different kinds of universe energy, the negative gravity energy plus the positive universe energy is zero; v) the induced negative gravity potential and the gravity acceleration due to the creation of cosmons are derived with the nature of radially outwards repulsive force, indicating that the cosmon may be the candidate of the dark energy quantum; vi) both the initial solution (the Planck era solution or the planckon solution) and the infinite asymptotic solution of the Einstein-Friedmann equations are unstable: the former tends to expand and the latter tends to shrink, so that the Einstein-Friedman universe undergoes a cyclic evolution of successive expansion and shrinking.
Abstract: Based on the vacuum microscopic quantum structure model: the planckon densely piled vacuum model and the principle of cosmology, with the Planck era as initial conditions, we have solved the Einstein-Friedmann equations to describe the evolution of the universe. The main results are: i) the solution of Einstein-Friedmann equations have yielded the ...
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Mathematical Prediction of Ying’s Twin Universes
Bijan Davvaz
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Thomas Vougiouklis
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 5-9
Received: 29 October 2014
Accepted: 5 November 2014
Published: 11 November 2014
Abstract: We review Ying’s twin universes, Santilli’s isodual theory of antimatter, and Davvaz-Santilli-Vougiouklis two-valued hyperstructures representing matter and antimatter in two distinct but co-existing spacetimes. We identify a seemingly new map for both matter and antimatter providing a mathematical prediction of Ying’s twin universes, and present a four-fold hyperstructure representing matter-antimatter as well as Ying’s twin universes, all co-existing in distinct spacetimes.
Abstract: We review Ying’s twin universes, Santilli’s isodual theory of antimatter, and Davvaz-Santilli-Vougiouklis two-valued hyperstructures representing matter and antimatter in two distinct but co-existing spacetimes. We identify a seemingly new map for both matter and antimatter providing a mathematical prediction of Ying’s twin universes, and present a...
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Twin Universes: Universal Laws of Thermodynamics
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1-1, January 2015
Pages: 1-4
Received: 14 September 2014
Accepted: 17 September 2014
Published: 23 September 2014
Abstract: Big Bang is the widely accepted model of the beginning of our cosmos some 13.7 billion years ago from a single point source into its present-day expansion which is continuing at an unexplained accelerating rate. All known physical processes in our universe are governed by the laws of thermodynamics, except for the moment of creation which defies the conservation of energy even though the cosmos is the most ideal isolated system. Other observable anomalies that this single 4-dimensional space-time universal existence cannot account for include missing antimatter, rapidly rotating galaxies, faster-than-light-speed quantum entanglement and proton stability. Applying a universal conservation laws to both the fundamental quantities of energy and entropy forces the beginning of our cosmos to divide into a zero-balanced twin universes existence. This fully conserved 10-dimensional cosmos is now able to adequately explain these anomalies with model calculations that match the experimental data from cosmology and high-energy physics.
Abstract: Big Bang is the widely accepted model of the beginning of our cosmos some 13.7 billion years ago from a single point source into its present-day expansion which is continuing at an unexplained accelerating rate. All known physical processes in our universe are governed by the laws of thermodynamics, except for the moment of creation which defies th...
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